Business Growth in New Zealand

Reducing Carbon Footprint for Cylinder Head Repairs in New Zealand
Cast Iron Welding Services are looking forward to taking receipt of our first cylinder head repair from New Zealand for remanufacture, it just demonstrates that even though the cylinder head is travelling that distance it still makes it cost effective for the customer.
From an environmental prospective we factored in our circular economy calculations, a cylinder head travelling from the other side of the world and we still had a significant carbon reduction. Not only are we saving the customer money we are helping them to reduce their carbon footprint with cylinder head repairs.
Marie Palmer‘s Video Transcript as part of the Directors Diaries:
“Hi everyone, we’ve been very busy again. I wanted to talk today about the confirmation for the latest arrival we’ve had for a cylinder head repair coming all the way from New Zealand. I’m really pleased about this one as it just demonstrates and reinforces we’re still cost effective with a customer having to send a repair to the other side of the world. The team here in the cast iron welding repair shop Leicester UK are really excited to get this processed before returning it to the customer efficiently fully repaired. We should see many more of these from that region, we have fantastic relationships with our friends and customers in New Zealand. We’re always talking about carbon emissions and carbon footprint, obviously when we carried our our Cylinder Head Repair life cycle assessment we wanted to ensure we’d included all the different scenarios and we did factor in a cylinder head coming from the other side of the world which means the results from that report do allow for this and are highly accurate. Not only is it cost effective for the customer but it’s also helping to reduce the carbon footprint within the cylinder head repair industry. I look forward to catching up with you all again soon. “